Big News! AHA supports the SAVE Act: All you need to know about the new legislation for workers’ safety

“Giving healthcare workers the same legal protections against assault and intimidation that flight crews and airport workers have under federal law” is the aim of the SAVE Act that stands for Safety from Violence for Healthcare Employees Act. If you're a manager, a nurse or any stakeholder regarding the healthcare industry you should be aware of this new proposed federal legislation.

protection, Healthcare Workers, Protocols, Provide equipment, Smart Badge
Legislations for safer workplaces like SAVE Act
protection, Healthcare Workers, Protocols, Provide equipment, Smart Badge

What is the SAVE Act? 

The Safety from Violence for Healthcare Employees Act is a letter that states the proposal of a new legislation with federal reach that aims to reduce incidents of violence in care settings and it's looking to ensure all offenders are appropriately punished so that all healthcare workers have a safer environment in which to provide patient care.  

You can read the whole letter here.

Who started the SAVE Act?

The Safety from Violence for Healthcare Employees Act it´s an initiative now supported by different stakeholders of healthcare industry:

America’s Essential Hospitals

American Hospital Association

Association of American Medical Colleges

Catholic Health Association of the United States

Children’s Hospital Association

Federation of American Hospitals

Premier healthcare alliance Vizient, Inc.

protection, Healthcare Workers, Protocols, Provide equipment, Smart BadgeStaff of  a hospital nurses and doctors
protection, Healthcare Workers, Protocols, Provide equipment, Smart Badge

What can we expect from the SAVE Act? 

The SAVE Act aims to:

  • Reduce workplace violence incidents.
  • Promote a safer workplace environment.
  • Protect employees and increase workplace satisfaction. 
  • Help the shortage of nurses and healthcare workers. 
  • Provide proper management and punishment to offenders. 
  • Give grants to hospitals and care settings that can be used for proper personnel training, coordinating with state and local law enforcement or purchasing equipment or technology that will assist in creating a safer environment

Workplace safety and employee wellness is a communally driven effort, when building the Kwema Smart Badge™ we spent hours upon end conversing, not only with security managers but frontline workers themselves to ensure everyone’s needs were being met. Being able to call for help without escalating a situation in just 3 seconds is just a small step in lifting tremendous weight off of the shoulders of our healthcare heroes. Treat their safety as your priority and you will begin to see results. 

Learn more of how to start supporting the SAVE act here:


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