With the rapid change of technology, all industries have changed. Workplaces have been transformed and with no doubt security and safety has been a topic of discussion within managers. Emerging technologies and trends are being considered in order to ensure workers' wellness, helping them feel safe so that increased productivity levels are shown.

Safety and security trends for enterprises start from hiring safety professionals to cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, wearable technology and smart safety. Let's take a look into each one.
Safety Professionals
With the pandemic, Human Resources has become a crucial part of keeping staff working together despite the distance. When returning to work on-site, safety measures and security protocols have been implemented, which is why safety professionals' work has increased. Many enterprises opted to hire external aid so that someone outside the organization could give them professional advice on their safety management, personal safety equipment, safety and security plans and more. This is definitely a trend that will stay and one that everyone should take note of.
Physical safety isn't the only topic considered when it comes to workplace safety, a lack of cybersafety could mean risking issues such as identity theft or phishing schemes. Installing a great cybersecurity system helps companies keep their employees, customers, and the organization's data safe.

Artificial intelligence and Virtual Reality
Thanks to the data analysis done by AI; it can now be used to manage safety programs, help employees respond to hazards, predict and recognize warning signs, as well as identify deficiencies in the company's training programs.
On the other hand, virtual reality can simulate the necessary environments when safety and general training is being held. Employees get first-hand experience of what different scenarios may look like, and how they should react upon them while remaining 100% safe.
Wearable Technology and Smart Safety
Last but not least we find wearable technology and smart safety. Many enterprises are starting to use smart technology in order to motivate workers to keep track of their safety at work. Personal Protection Equipment and vital sign monitors like heart rate trackers are some examples of it.
Another device proven effective are location tracking devices which are worn by employees and are usually connected to an app. This technology can help them easily ask for help through the tracking service. These devices are especially helpful for employees who are working alone, in case of emergency, or for employees in industries where hazards are common such as hospitals or construction.
“Within the last 5 months, the hospital gave all emergency room staffers a wearable panic button that tracks their location within the department… The system has been activated almost daily…It´s a very fast response”
- Mawata Kamara via WebMD
In the future, this type of technology could also be used for identifying trends and preventing injuries among employees by collecting the data gathered by the device.

If you're willing to try wearable technology and smart safety, Kwema Smart Badge™ is perfect for you. The Kwema Smart Badge™ allows them to quickly send an alert with exact indoor location data to your security detail. In just three seconds your security staff can be notified; reducing injuries, cutting response time, and increasing the sense of safety in any workplace environment.