As the release of Spiderman: No Way Home approaches, fans are increasingly on the edge of their seats, patiently waiting for December 17 to come around. As we stay up-to-date with the news of this upcoming movie, Giant Freakin Robot informed us of a story that hits close to home; Dr. Strange’s kidnap case.

Benedict Cumberbatch shared his story when being interviewed for Marc Maron’s podcast WTF. The incident happened back in 2004 when he was travelling with a friend in South Africa to film a mini series for the BBC called To the Ends of the Earth. On one of their days off, the cast decided to go scuba diving. That night, on their way to their motel, the crew was ambushed by men with guns. After two and a half hours, the criminals stole the actor’s money and bank information and left the scene.

Without a doubt, Spiderman: No Way Home will be filled with action and entertainment. However, sometimes the action beyond the screen can start to fret us. Unfortunately Benedict’s incident isn’t the only case. According to Statista Research Department, in 2020, the United States registered a total of 154,465 missing persons files over the age of 21 (95,096 males and 59,369 females). These numbers are worrying and leave us with the feeling of wanting to do more for people’s safety; and safety is something Kwema knows about.
After the incident, Benedict Cumberbatch decided he wanted to pursue new things as he felt so lucky to survive. Just like the interpreter of Dr. Strange, Kwema decided to take action. In 2015 a friend of ours was kidnapped in broad daylight in South America. Like her 40,000 kidnappings involving business travelers are reported each year. Work related deaths reached +5,300, the highest in 12 years. Acknowledging these numbers led to the birth of Kwema.
It’s a tough reality to face, but people like Cumberbatch can be more prepared while traveling both domestic and abroad. Finding a way to call for help in the event of an incident or emergency is crucial, especially one that doesn’t require reaching for your phone. Kwema took these desires, made them a goal and created the Kwema Smart Badge™. We spent hours upon end conversing not only with security managers but the employees themselves to ensure everyone’s needs were being met. We developed a device and a protocol that’s seamless to adopt and could help save lives.
Learn more about the Kwema’s Smart Badge™ and some use cases here: